Posts Tagged ‘getting started’

Starting a new project

Posted: January 2, 2013 in Uncategorized
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Hello everyone;

Today I stated a new project: I am going to put android on an OLPC.

Why am I doing such a mad thing? Well there are really two reasons. 1 I love the hardware. It is super fun to look at, and the screen and wifi is amazing. 2 To learn. I’ve been a mobility programmer for years, and though there has been little limits to what I could do with the hardware, there is still more i could learn.

Ok so there’s. a third reason. I have recently been pushed into a web developer role, and the distance i am from the metal is sole killing. I have met many different flavours of coders, and I am sorry for those web developers I respect, but as a breed, most web dev people know almost nothing about how to write code. The job gets done, but the depth of the code isn’t there. Bloat seems omnipresent. I am getting soft; spoiled by the mentality of “scale”. It has been thrust upon me, but my biggest professional fear is that I accept it. I need to get back to the metal.

Were do I start was my first question.
I figured I’d get the android source code. YIKES! It is such a large task to learn not only Linix, but also the gigs and gigs of source code for android. I recalculated, and settled on a smaller start. I am first going to build minix, and see if I can load it up on the device. Thus I’ve attained the text book and source code.

Tis blog will be a record of my jurney into the depths. Others may join, but my travels ultimately fall on me.

Oh from time to time I may rant about how mobility programmers have given in to pressure. How we have become lost.